新闻报道已步入全球化和大数据的时代。在亚洲—全球经济发展最快的区域,记者们应当如何掌握日新月异的技术,采用先进的工作方法向公众呈现事实的原貌?首届亚洲深度报道新闻学大会将于2014年 11月22-24日在菲律宾首都马尼拉与您一同寻找答案。
您将会遇到来自亚洲乃至世界各地的一流深度报道记者,数据新闻从业者,以及传媒和信息安全专家。世界级的获奖记者和专家将与您面对面分享大数据在新闻中的应用、数据可视化、商业新闻追踪和全球合作等方面的经验。还等什么?赶紧与我们一道前往马尼拉,共享此番新闻业盛宴! 大会将开设教学工作坊,分享的内容包括:
- 互联网高级搜索技术,由BBC网络研究专家主讲
- 如何应用Google高级工具进行新闻报道,由google 媒体应用工具团队(Google for Media Team)主讲
- 使用网络工具追踪跨境商业活动
- 如何通过网络数据库发现隐秘的企业资产
- Sheila Coronel,哥伦比亚大学新闻学院(Columbia University School of Journalism)
- 蔡翔祁(Reg Chua),路透社(Thomson Reuters)
- 陈婉莹(Ying Chan),香港大学新闻传媒研究中心
- Paul Myers, BBC
- 立岩洋一郎(Yoichiro Tateiwa),日本NHK
- David Kaplan,全球深度报道网(Global Investigative Journalism Network)
- 陈一姗,台湾天下杂志
- 马金馨(Yolanda Ma),数据新闻中文网(Data Journalism China)
- Giannina Segnini,哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)
- Umar Cheema,巴基斯坦调查报道中心(The News/Center for Investigative Reporting Pakistan)
- Kunda Dixit,尼泊尔调查记者中心(Nepal Center for Investigative Journalism)
- Govindraj Ethiraj,IndiaSpend
- Malou Mangahas,菲律宾调查记者中心(Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism)
- Smari McCarthy,国际当代传媒研究所(International Modern Media Institute)
- Yong Jin Kim,韩国调查记者中心(Korea Center for Investigative Journalism)
- Nils Mulvad,丹麦调查报道(Investigative Reporting Denmark)
- Syed Nazakat, 印度 The Week
- Peter Noorlander,Media Legal Defence Initiative
- Paul Radu,有组织犯罪和贪腐报道项目组(Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting)
- Drew Sullivan,有组织犯罪和贪腐报道项目组(Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting)
特别活动——大会将推出两项特别活动:一项是庆祝菲律宾调查 记者中心成立25周年招待会,该组织是位列国际前沿的媒体类非盈利机构; 另二项是纪念11月23日联合国“终止针对记者犯罪不受惩罚现象国际日”(The International Day to end Impunity for Crimes against Journalists)。
本次大会由三家机构联合主办:由世界45个国 家逾100个团体组 成的全球深度报道网(Global Investigative Journalism Network);曾获得愈150个奖项的菲律宾调查记者中心(Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism );来自德国的康拉德·阿登纳基金会(Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung)。
了解更多:欲了解大会的最新情况,访问英文版官方网站。如有任何疑问,可发送电邮至 IJAsia14@gijn.org查询(中/英文皆可),或关注我们的微信公共帐号“全球深度报道网”和官方微博。
(译:Benjamin Zhou)
I am Dhobie de Guzman, anchor and News Head of ABS-CBN based In Baguio City Philippines.
I am interested to join the 1st Asian Investigative Journalism Conference: 22-24 November 2014, Manila. I wanted to know how?
Thank you!
Hi, Dhobie. We will soon post registration and program information. You can stay in touch with our local partner, the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, for the latest news on the conference.
I am Rezwan Natiq from Afghanistan and eager to attend the conference, Will i be able to receive an sponsorship?
Hi, Rezwan. Most attendees will have to find their own funding. To help, we are keeping registration and hotel fees quite low. We suggest you contact local NGOs, media organizations, embassies, and international aid agencies to see if they have travel grants available for an investigative journalism training conference.
dear i am from Pakistan how I attend this conference .is there any paper presentation by my side or only training.how much how much cost of hotel ,meal etc
Hi Muhammad, we will soon post registration, and information about hotels, etc. Please keep checking our website.
I am interested to join the 1st Asian Investigative Journalism Conference: 22-24 November 2014, Manila. I wanted to know how
Hi Anid, we will soon post registration and program information. Please keep checking our website for updates.
I’m a journalist working in Nepal. I’d like to participate in this program. Please inform me once it’s ready to register.
Thanks, Guna. We have added you to the mailing list. Anyone who wants to keep in touch with GIJN events is welcome to sign up for our newsletter at https://gijn.org/join-the-global-community.
I am an Educator in Journalism School. I consider to attend this conference.How?
Thanks for your interest, Dr. New. We would be delighted if you joined us. We will post full information on registration and hotels in about a week.
I’m a journalist working in Newswatch Communications Ltd., Nigeria. I’d like to participate in this program. Please inform me once it’s ready to register and kindly consider keeping registration fees low, also I would appreciate if there are other benefits like free hotel accommodation ,or others.
Thank you.
hi this is madiha masood from Pakistan i am very much interested to attend this conference please inform me how i can get registered..and where it is gonna org..and please i request you to keep registration fee low the people who are managing everything their own so can participate at least..
Me gustaría participar nuevamente en este importante evento, qué debo hacer?
Hola Elizabeth. En los próximos días estaremos publicando más información sobre la conferencia, incluido cómo registrarse. Saludos.