Our Members

Forum for African Investigative Reporters (FAIR)

The Forum for African Investigative Reporters (FAIR) is a professional association of investigative journalists in Africa. Its mission is to enhance, deepen and build investigative journalism as a profession throughout the continent. FAIR was established in May 2003 on the basis of the awareness that, firstly, investigative journalists have a vital role to play to enhance the African public’s right to information about all matters of social development and social justice; and, secondly, that African investigative journalists at present face many obstacles, ranging from lack of encouragement and low pay to life-threatening situations.

Free Media Movement of Sri Lanka

The Free Media Movement evolved out of the Standing Committee of Journalists, which was formed in late 1991, as a collective enterprise of journalists and media personnel to critique and respond to moves by then government of the time to introduce a Media Commission to Sri Lanka. The first public meeting of the group as the Free Media Movement was held in Colombo in June 1992. Through the years, the FMM has become the watchdog of media freedom in Sri Lanka, and has also developed an extensive network of links with other media freedom and human rights groups internationally.

Freedom of Information Center, US

The National Freedom of Information Coalition is a nonpartisan alliance of citizen-driven nonprofit freedom of information organizations, academic and First Amendment centers, journalistic societies and attorneys. Twice annually, NFOIC awards grants to strengthen state coalitions and member organizations, foster their growth, and support a broad range of open government endeavors in individual states.  

Fund for Investigative Journalism (FIJ), US

The Fund for Investigative Journalism was founded in 1969 by the late Philip M. Stern, a public-spirited philanthropist who devoted his life “to balancing the scales of justice,” in the words of a friend. Stern was convinced small amounts of money invested in the work of determined journalists would yield enormous results in the fight against racism, poverty, corporate greed and governmental corruption. Over four decades, the Fund has awarded more than $1.5 million in grants to freelance reporters, authors and small publications, enabling the publication of more than 700 stories and broadcasts and some 50 books.  


Fundación MEPI, Mexico/United States

Fundación MEPI is an award-winning investigative reporting outlet based in Mexico City that examines cross-border issues of national importance in Central America, Mexico, and the United States. The organization promotes freedom of the press and supports the development of the next generation of reporters in Mexico and Central America. Founded in 2010, the group says its mission “is to link stories between the United States, Mexico, and Central America and help explain transnational movements to readers across the globe.”

Grävände Journalister (Gräv), Sweden

The Association for Investigative Journalism in Sweden was modeled in 1990 after a similarly conceived American association; the Investigative Reporters & Editors, (IRE). Its aim is to encourage reporters to utilize investigative methods for in-depth reporting. This is done by providing training at oits office in Stockholm, as well as in-house instruction. Also, a yearly seminar gathers hundreds of reporters for the purpose of sharing their collective experiences, education and knowledge in the field. Furthermore, the organization publishes Scoop, a quarterly magazine of investigative reporting.

Hate Speech International

Hate Speech International (HSI) is a non profit reporting project and independent news room targeting hate speech, hate crimes and extremist groups in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. HSI carries out independent research and investigations, as well as facilitating cross-border cooperation between reporters and media organizations in Europe and MENA.