Our Members


Journalismfund.eu vzw (formerly known as Fonds Pascal Decroos voor Bijzondere Journalistiek vzw) is an independent non‐profit organisation established with the purpose of promoting quality cross-border and in-depth journalism in Europe. Journalismfund.eu supports journalists who have good ideas for quality in-depth and cross-border research.

Journalistes Enqueteurs Francophones Associes (JEFA)

Journalistes Enquêteurs Francophones Associés (JEFA) is a new organization set up to network and support French-speaking investigative journalists. JEFA was founded in 2014 in response to requests from young French reporters and news organizations. Among the group’s activities will be training in methods, including founder Mark Lee Hunter’s Story-Based Inquiry seminars and workshops on data journalism techniques. JEFA also plans to undertake investigations into such areas as high-profile economic subjects.

Korea Center for Investigative Journalism (KCIJ)

The Korea Center for Investigative Journalism (KCIJ) is the first nonprofit online investigative reporting organization in South Korea. The center, launched by veteran broadcast journalists, runs Newstapa, an online news website that presents watchdog journalism in video form.

Macedonian Association of Journalists

The Association of Journalists of Macedonia  (AJM) was founded in 1946. AJM is member of International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). AJM is an independent, non-governmental and non- political party organization whose purpose is to be the protector and promoter of professional standards and freedom of expression.

Mediacentar Sarajevo, Bosnia

Mediacentar Sarajevo supports development of independent and professional journalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. From its founding to date, MC organized more than 230 different training programs in the areas of journalism and media education attended by more than 2,000 people from B-H and the region.

Mediafocus Serbia

Mediafocus is a network for investigative journalists in Serbia and Southeastern Europe. Mediafocus was founded in 2000 and since then investigative reporters have published a number of investigative stories in media all over the region.

Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting

The Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting is an independent, nonprofit newsroom devoted to investigative and enterprise reporting about crucial issues in the Midwest with a regional, national and global impact. We focus primarily on agribusiness and related topics such as government programs, environment and energy.


Mongabay.org is the nonprofit arm of Mongabay.com, the world’s most popular rainforest information site and a well-known source of environmental news reporting and analysis. Today Mongabay.com draws more than 2.5 million visitors per month and publishes stories in half a dozen languages. In 2012 Mongabay.org was formed to facilitate the development of new education and journalism initiatives and leverage Mongabay.com’s existing network, traffic, and reputation. Mongabay.org aims to raise awareness about social and environmental issues relating to forests and other ecosystems.