Our Members

“Tak-tak-tak” Foundation For Promotion of Mass Communication and Education in the Sphere of Law, Russia

“Tak-tak-tak” Foundation For Promotion of Mass Communication and Education in the Sphere of Law began in 2013 to continue work by the Press Development Institute-Siberia to develop new methods of citizen and public investigative journalism. It brings together citizens, human rights defenders and journalists on social issues and human rights through legal consultations; investigative reporting; and training seminars and workshops. Based in Novosibirsk, Siberia, Tak-tak-tak opens its site to investigative projects from any person.

100Reporters (US)

Dedicated to forging new frontiers in responsible journalism, 100Reporters joins scores of the planet’s finest professional reporters with whistleblowers and citizen journalists across the globe, to report on corruption in all its forms. The organization, spearheaded by veteran correspondents of top-tier news outlets, aims to raise the caliber, impact and visibility of citizen-driven investigative journalism, as a means of promoting transparency and good government.